Sunday, February 28, 2010

More Quotes...There are quite a few in the Jar :)

Andi to Chris:
"The computer is way to slow for me to get pissed off at you for having good weather!"

Chris: "Oh shit! My wing's broken. Let's all die!!"

The truth about Alex:
Q: "If you were stranded on a desert island with anyone who would it be?
Alex Responds: "The Hoff....David he could swim and I could just hold on for the ride."

"It's one a little piece of receipt, in my paper"

"I didn't know they were lips, they could have been eyeballs and....while we're on the subject, could you spare a penis?"

A voice mail message a friend left once this was the entire message:
"Hey'd better not be having sex!!!"

Brian: "You are the mind!"

Another classic from Annie:
"It's like a frown barfing!"

Kyle: "Look, there's not partying going on here.....but there's Santa Clause!"

A classic party conversation between John and Brian...
John: "Why are you such a stupid?"
Brian: "Why are you throwing up?"

Jay: Abortion
Jen: Abortion?
Jay: I don't know he's drawing a fucking cat!

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